
What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing limited information that are sent to the browser and stored on the user’s computer, mobile phone or device every time a website is visited.  Upon every connection, the cookies send information to the website in question.

Cookies can be permanent (persistent cookies) if they remain on the computer until the user deletes them, or temporary (session cookies) if they are deactivated on closure of the browser. Cookies can also be first-party cookies if installed by the website visited, or third-party cookies if installed by a website other than the one visited.


How we use cookies

APCOA ITALIA SPA uses cookies to improve the functionality of its website, enabling the user to easily move from page to page, to store their preferences and to ensure the user always enjoys an optimal navigation experience.

In particular, we use cookies to collect analytical information, such as the number of visitors to our website and the most frequently visited pages (we use this information for marketing purposes and to plan our investments) and to understand whether our clients and visitors adapt easily to the changes that we introduce to our website from time to time.

Cookies help us to collect information about how our website is used but no information is stored that can identify the users. Cookies only store a unique session ID which helps recover the user profiles and their preferences the next time they visit our website.


The cookies used and their purposes:

The cookies used by our website can be classified as follows (see the guide to cookies drawn up by the ICC, the International Chamber of Commerce):


- Indispensable cookies

These cookies are essential in order to enable the user to move around the website and use the services required, such as, for example, access to the website's restricted areas.

Indispensable cookies are first-party cookies and can be permanent or temporary. We use this type of cookie to manage the user registration and access phase.  Without these cookies, the user could not access the services requested and it is possible that our website would not function properly.


- Performance cookies

Performance cookies collect information on the use of a website by the users, such as, for example, which pages are most frequently visited. These cookies do not store identification data about individual visitors, but only aggregate data and in anonymous form.


We use these cookies for:

- statistical purposes, in order to understand how our websites are used

- measuring the distribution of our advertising campaigns.

These cookies can be either permanent or temporary, first-party or third-party. Essentially, these cookies collect anonymous information about the pages visited and the advertising messages displayed.


- Functional cookies         

These cookies enable the website to remember the choices of visitors (for example, the user name, language or country of access) and to offer more personalised functionality. Functional cookies can also be used to provide services requested by the user, such as access to a video or the posting of a comment on a blog. The information used by these cookies is in anonymous form and it is not possible to track the navigation of users on other websites.


We use these cookies for:

- remembering if a particular service has already been provided to the user

- to improve the general experience on the website by remembering the user’s preferences.

These cookies can be either permanent or temporary, first-party or third-party. Essentially, these cookies remember the individual choices made by the users in order to improve their navigation experience.


- Advertising cookies

These cookies are used to restrict the times an advertisement is displayed to the user and to monitor the distribution of the advertising.

Advertising cookies are used to manage the advertising on the website.

Advertising cookies are placed by third-party subjects, such as, for example, advertisers and their agents, and can be permanent or temporary. In practice, these are cookies connected to advertising services provided by third parties on our website.


- Other third-party subjects

The services of others may be contained on some pages of our website. We do not control the cookies used by these services, for which reason we invite the user to access the websites of these third-party subjects for information, as necessary.


- Restricting, blocking or deleting cookies

Some people prefer not to enable cookies and, for this reason, nearly all browsers offer the option of managing them in order to respect the preferences of the user.

In some browsers, it is possible to set up rules to manage the cookies on a website by website basis, an option that allows a more precise control on privacy. This means being able to disable the cookies of all websites, with the exception of those the user trusts.

The menu of most browsers provides options for managing the cookies by adjusting or configuring the settings that control them. Typically, the browser enables:

- cookies to be displayed;

- cookies to be accepted;

- all cookies, or just some of them, to be disabled;

- all cookies to be disabled when the browser is closed;

- cookies to be blocked;

- notifications to be received when a cookie is received.


If your browser is configured in a way that blocks our cookies, please be aware that you will not be able to access certain sections of our website and that your navigation experience may be impeded.

If your browser is configured in a way that deletes all cookies, your browser preferences will be deleted when you close the browser.

Remember that our system will produce cookies as soon as you access our website, unless you have configured your browser to reject cookies.

In order to restrict, block or delete cookies, it is sufficient to change the settings of your browser.

The procedure varies slightly depending on the type of browser used.

For detailed instructions, click on the link of your browser.


Internet Explorer;


Google Chrome; 



Safari IOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch):


If your browser is not included on the above list, select the “Help” function on your web browser to obtain information about how to proceed.

Warning: some sections of our website can only be accessed by enabling cookies; by deactivating them, it is possible that the user will no longer be able to access certain content and may not be able to enjoy the full functionality of our website.

To find out more about the management of cookies on the browsers of mobile devices, please consult the specific user manual.

By using the website without rejecting cookies and similar online technologies, users give their consent to the use of these technologies by us for the collection and processing of information.